Is it not passing strange, and then some, that such a huge, historical upheaval in the province of Alberta as the eventual shutdown of the energy industry came by what I will call slow-motion fiat?Was there a specific meeting, a specific moment, when Alberta said Yes to “net zero,” said Yes to “transitioning its workers out of oil and gas,” said Yes to declarations made in Paris and Glasgow?When was that moment? Where are the documents that recorded such a monumental agreement between Alberta and the federal government, yielding the province’s economic well-being to Trudeau’s personal cause of all causes, the wish to be a hero on the global stage in the holiest of crusades, the fight against climate change.
To purchase Alberta’s economic viability to be as one with Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill McKibben, Al Gore, Bill Gates, Elizabeth May, the Guardian intellects, David Suzuki and CBC’s Quirks and Quarks, is a pathetic ambition for a prime minister.
Was there a specific meeting, a specific moment, when Alberta said Yes to ‘net zero’?
In the pursuit of that dubious ambition Alberta has been sidelined, maligned by the vast environmental lobby and scapegoated. We will not see equal decisions made that have equal impact on other provinces. And we will never see such high-handed and unilateral determinations made that would have a proportionate impact on Quebec or Ontario.In the woke world of regnant political correctness it is probably impolite to point this out. I hope so.I will draw a conclusion at this point, or a couple.
The Alberta government should declare it does not accept “climate policy” that will impoverish Alberta. It will not agree to this “transitioning” edict. It will poll all its oil and gas workers and those workers in allied industries to get their views on this unprecedented invasion of their right to work in the industry they chose. It will inaugurate something like a referendum to determine the degree of support, in Alberta, for the federal government’s climate ambitions.
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